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Monday, June 09, 2008

Celebrating Finals

I wish I could have stolen all of ten more minutes each day last week to jot down some of the cutie things that my kids did, but instead, my days flew quickly and sleep won out. One quick little memorable was on Thursday when we went to an outdoor ice cream stand for dinner and dessert. Elaina made friends with another little girl and proceeded to introduce her family to her. Amazingly grown up, she said "This is my Daddy, Eric and my Mommy, Laura and this is my baby brother, Lincoln. He's our baby. What's your name?" Seriously, this girl of mine can make my heart want to explode sometimes! She was sooo cute.
On Friday afternoon, my department from work closed up shop a few hours early to hold our annual "Summer Staff Meeting" at a co-workers house. The best part about this "meeting" is that it is more or less 5 minutes of work related topics followed by a potluck meal of sorts in which our family was invited. Eric brought the kids and Keegan and jam packed full truck to the party, err, meeting and we visited for awhile before getting on the road to Eric's parents house.
After a few hours of driving, we arrived, anxious to visit and get settled in. But only a short time later, the sky began to look dark and ominous and the wind began to pick up. All across the news they were warning to seek shelter in basements and interior rooms to be safe from the impending tornadoes which were headed our way. Just when we decided upon the hallway as our safest refuge, the storm seem to blow over, the sirens began to lessen their howl and the wind didn't seem so angry.
On Saturday, my mom popped over to provide shuttle service to my mother-in-law, Elaina and myself to go treasure hunting. Since it was Elaina's first time to enjoy a girls' day out garage saling, we told her that we were searching for treasures like pirates. We all came back with some treasures and had a relaxing, enjoyable girls-only afternoon.
In the late afternoon we headed to our nephew's high school graduation party which was essentially the whole point of our trip to visit. Elaina made a new friend and got filthy dirty playing in the sandbox, on the swingset, on the trampoline and in the bounce house. Talk about a way to wear out a kid. I had to make the child take breaks to get her to drink some water and I already surrendered myself to allowing her cake for dinner since there was no way I was about to win the power struggle to make her eat at this party.
Lincoln on the other hand, enjoys eating very much. In fact on his way up to the buffet table as he went exploring, he got a bit wobbly on his feet and the uneven ground and took a header right onto the same little bruise he got a week ago while chasing his sister through the kitchen. Poor Lincoln baby. A shiny, new knot began to form almost immediately as his mother's heart was breaking from his injury and his tears. Right now, I've begun cutting strips of bubble wrap to cover his little noggin for our next outing. My poor little guy has had a challenging time when it comes to hard surfaces versus his head. Sunday was our final stop and our very last graduation party we planned to attend. This was the party celebrating my cousin Tommy's high school graduation. It was a pleasure to see my younger cousins there with their spouses and kids. Since Tommy is one of seven kids in his family, there's always something new with one of them at any given moment. On this same day, his older sister, Abby had just given birth to her sweet daughter, Allison. And as a bonus surprise, my cousin Susie, also an older sister of the graduate, had flown in from Arizona. It was awesome to get to hear briefly about what each of them has been doing, but it kinda stunk because I could have literally talked with each cousin for hours, but had to interrupt every conversation to track down my kids. I joked that in 4-6 years, all of the kids will be a great age to be more independent and entertain themselves without getting into trouble and the big cousins (us) can sit back and finally enjoy our conversations. And when I talk about the kids being older, it will be great because there are literally about a dozen little cousins within the same age group.

All in all, we had a great no-stress weekend with the best part being getting to see all of my family on both sides (with the exception of my favorite bro and SIL:-)) and sharing new experiences and cousins with my kids.

Grand applause to the hard working graduates of 2008!

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