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Thursday, February 08, 2007

In 5 Minutes.

To my faithful readers:

Consider this my 5 minute project for the evening. I'm finally posting.

Let me explain...

Twas the week before vacation and all through the house, not a body was healthy, not even a mouse. (We took him out in the trap last week!) We're all filling tissues from the left and the right and we look forward to sleep even before it's night.

The baby has snot, mommy's throat is on fire and Daddy lies shaking; freezing beside her. Even the dog, with his brown ears flopping, needs medicine for the ache he has brewing inside 'em.

The week has been rough with the temperatures so low, we can't wait 'til Florida to get out of the snow!! There are germs all around, I wish somebody would clean- no one will come visit, with our tissues all green.

We want get better, we want to be well - the past few days has been a living @#%% !

This is the reason that I have not written, Elaina's still cute and we're still frostbitten!

2 Welcome Comments:

Kate said...

We hope you're feeling better soon. Nobody will visit us, either. We're puking our brains out.

Anonymous said...

Once upon a weekend freezing, while I graded papers unceasing, the spector of midquarters looming on my calendar. Suddenly the phone began to jingle and my guilt began to tingle as my children called to implore. "Oh please come quick, bring chicken soup, we have the flu, the puke, the poop. Come to our house, you can bring your dog. Watch the baby while we sleep like a log. Sadly I refused them gently,they'd forgotten evidently that grandma's still working, working all the weekend through, at a task that has a deadline, figuring averages for when midquarters are due. No time allowed to drive the roads so freshly plowed, to make a trip of three hours (Magnolia) or two (Columbus). I know somehow, you'll stay alive and perhaps, my dears, you'll even thrive. And so for now whatever you do, just remember that your working mother still loves you.