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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Kissy Face

Lately, Elaina has been showing a great deal of affection for her mommy and daddy. She is quick to offer hugs and kisses to us, her toys and even inanimate objects. For instance, when we were flying to Florida we spent plenty of time talking to Elaina about airplanes and how she was taking a ride inside of one. She must have thought alot of her sky-high ride because she began to hug the airplane window and tried to give it a kiss. (Germ-a-phobe mommy had to intercept that immediately!) She was playing with her diaper pail yesterday (thank God it was emptied only the morning before!) and when the lid popped back up on her after she tried to close it, she said, "Oops. Saw-wee." She then proceeded to kiss the diaper pail lid. Gross!

I guess I don't feel quite as special when my competition is a diaper pail!

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