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Friday, June 08, 2007

The Party That Wasn't

Just picture this:

Friday. Gorgeous sunshine. Warm 80 degree temps with a gentle breeze. Pontoon boat rides on the lake. Potluck dinner. Friends from work. Picnic hosted by your boss. Bring the family.

Seeing it? Nice, right?

Now, try this one:
Friday. Dark grey skies at 4 pm looking more like 9 pm. Roaring thunder. Pounding rain sideways. Tornado warning in neighboring county. 2 kids & mom stuck inside car in torrential down pour while dad is getting prescription filled. Boat trip cancelled. Chasing toddler around your boss's house-void-of-toys before she breaks something. Must restrict toddler activities to front porch filled with only adults or garage filled with nothing but trouble. Toddler dumps full bottle of bubbles onto self. Must bathe and change said toddler at boss's house. Feed picky toddler ice cream cake and cupcake to keep happy and occupied.

Now guess which one was our reality for the bulk of the day. Um, yeah, that's the one.


We all managed to enjoy ourselves despite the nasty weather conditions and the bubble soaked Elaina. The storm finally came to an end and Elaina had her first attempt at playing hopscotch!!

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