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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Language Barrier

On Sunday, Eric was headed out of town to go to the Steelers game in the freezing cold rain and the kids and myself were snuggled in tight in our warm house for the day. Just a nice to stay in and enjoy what I have at home, I thought.

Elaina, on the other hand, was behaving well, but testing her limits at times. The sad part is that when I tell her that she needs to "listen to Mommy, do you understand?" She responds with a sad "I unstan, Mommy." And then sometimes she offers me the sassy version, saying, "I lissen to you Mommy."

The sad part is that I realized that while she may understand and she does listen, is she really taking in my words for their meaning? I don't know. We then talked about how she can hear Mommy's voice and that she may understand, but she has to follow Mommy's directions too. Boy, is there ever alot of learning to do when you're 2. We did have a fun day playing on the floor with Lincoln and reading books and watching the Polar Express.

Whoever said parenting was easy? Single moms out there, I bow to you! Keep up the good work!

2 Welcome Comments:

Kate said...

Tee hee! Colin has recently started to grab my face in his hands and then tugs the lobes of my ears to ask me if I have my listening ears (when I'm not paying attention). Proof that he must hear those words come out of my mouth even though he seems to lose his listening ears a lot!

Kate said...

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Now you're old like me!