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Friday, February 15, 2008

My heart goes out to thee

Here's a little sampling of Valentine's hilghlites from our house. Hoping everyone enjoyed the day with those you love!


Thanks to everyone who sent cards for the kids and to Aunt Kate and Uncle Greg.... WOW! What great gifts to spoil our kids! Thank you for your consideration and generosity for such cool stuff!

We enjoyed our Valentine's day by going out for dinner at our favorite local pizza shop and having a lazy-family-evening all together. I loved every minute of it!

And just because... How about that husband of mine declaring Elaina's potty time for the world to hear? And how about her whiny, quick retort declaring "I don't wanna..." Guess you could probably make that out for yourself. Things only got better once both kids got fed and certain butts made it onto the potty.

1 Welcome Comments:

Kate said...

The best Valentine's day gift of all is seeing their smiling faces! Thank YOU, for filming them!