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Friday, February 29, 2008

Fun Raising

In the 8 years that I've had my job, I've been lucky enough to sideswipe the political obligations that come with an election year. Tonight was the first time that I turned in my ticket to attend a judiciary fundraiser. Due to the circumstance, I actually wanted to go.

The most lovely part of the event was that it was family-friendly and my kids were requested to come along. Let's hear it for not having to ditch my kids at home with a babysitter. Yeah!

It's fair to say that we actually enjoyed our evening and everyone was on good behavior. Even my husband. (Just joking Honey!) When we got home, I thought it was high time to get some pictures of all of us looking a little more put together. Proof that we can clean up pretty-alright. Alright.

When Lincoln isn't doing this:
He'd much rather be doing this:

Hey, wouldn't we all?

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