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Sunday, March 09, 2008

Some Party

So have you heard about the blizzard of a snow storm that dumped all over Ohio in the past 72 hours? It’s here. And it’s there. The snow, people, is everywhere.

The weather and road conditions worsened in such a short amount of time that our county office building even closed it’s doors and sent employees home 3 hours early. Closing government offices is nearly as unheard of as what I’m going to call an almost-blizzard in March. But there we had it.

On Saturday afternoon, we received a phone call from our neighbors down the street inviting us to come sledding down their massive side yard hill. Since Eric was already planning on taking Elaina on a sled ride after her nap, we all decided to bundle up and join in the sled fest already in progress.

I had had enough cold just from going in and out of the houses that Lincoln and I stayed inside and sipped on tea and played with toys. You can guess who enjoyed which activity. Eric and Elaina had made only one trip down the hill before Elaina announced that she’d had enough. Soon enough, the whole sledding crew had rendered themselves from their inner tubes and sleds to come inside. Somewhere between stripping off snow suits and assessing their age by the number of sore body parts, the guys decided to come to our house for a pool party. To shoot pool, that is. So we had a party. With 5 minutes notice.

With 9 adults and 5 kids all still a little grungy from sweating while sledding and this hostess still not showered from my earlier plan of not having any plans, we were about as casual and kicked back as ever. That’s the beauty of friendship right there. With only one pizza shop in town (not closed due to the weather) everyone was content with ordering pizza and grazing on the fine assortment of anything-edible-I-could-pull-from-my-cupboards.

The guys played pool, the girls talked about girl-stuff and the kids played and chased and did kid things. This was one of the greatest and most memorable neighborhood parties we’ve ever had. Being snowed in wasn’t so bad after all. I wonder what the forecast will bring us next weekend?

1 Welcome Comments:

Anonymous said...

I love being snowed in. There is absolutely no pressure to "produce." What happens, happens. Grandma H.