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Sunday, March 23, 2008

While you wait...

Since I can't even begin to tell you what a lovely Easter we celebrated this weekend, I'm not going to even try just yet. I'm a little tired, a little bit not feeling well and a lot overwhelmed with cutie-cute kid pictures to rummage through.

Instead, I'll leave you with these sweet faces to smile back to until I come across 27 hours in a day or some kind of concoction which provides unlimited energy, brainpower and wit all in one. Without killing me. Until then...
My little weirdos... Elaina is modeling her warmest footie jammies showcased by her purple satin tutu and outdoor bike helmet. My handsome Lincoln is donning his Pittsburgh Steelers jammies accented with a pink satin princess cone hat with purple streaming lace with accompanying Froot Loops glued to his bottom lip. It doesn't get much better than this. Me, I just need to work on learning a more natural un-stone like smile.

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