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Monday, July 09, 2007

Putting Her Best Foot Forward

After a terrific birthday weekend, we finally rolled into our driveway at 11:00 last night. Needless to say, I apologized to the sitter as I let her know that my kids may be just a little sticky around the edges from not getting baths the night before. But we all had fun and that's all that really matters!

Speaking of fun, Elaina loves to stomp around in mommy and daddy's shoes even if it means yanking them out of the shoe boxes whenever she chooses. Luckily, daddy's boots have their home in the back foyer so that all she needs to do is climb into them. If she can. What a fashionista!

How do you think that happened?

If she were Scottish, and if her dress was a kilt, she's showing the world what she wears underneath!

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