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Sunday, July 22, 2007


Oh seriously, where does the time go?

It's an understatement to say that I am behind on my blogging. Heh, it's been so long that I still hope that a few of you are still remembering to check back. My sincere apologies for the abrupt abandonment.

So, let's get down to business. Stories! Pictures! I'm ready to go! Here's the deal, I'm going to recreate most days from memory the best that I can. I've taken some cutie pictures along the way and they'll serve as my inspiration of what actually went on that particular day.

Remember to scroll down back to the last entry prior to my departure and hopefully, I'll be able to catch up to speed soon. By the time I finish, you'll see how I've had little time for blogging as we've been busy enjoying our summer and dealing with sickness along the way.

As Simon Cowell would say, "Off you go..."

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