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Thursday, May 24, 2007

For Your Eyes Only

Since I've done an admittedly poor job of keeping this little 'ol blog of mine up to date since Lincoln has come along, allow me to just share some sweet photos of how we've been spending our days of no-blogging.

Our sweet kids. Elaina often likes to cuddle up in her "little bed" watching Noggin and asked if Winkin' could lay down with her to watch cartoons. Of course!!

Since our binge planting, we've had to do much more watering in the evening. Here is Elaina offering her assistance to her Daddy.
Just another reminder that I have self-feeding to look forward to once again with Lincoln.
Notice I allowed my child to go shirt free? This was because we had yet to turn on our air conditioning and it just turned out lucky since Elaina made such a mess.

Finally, (for Heather) here is a sweet picture of Lincoln enjoying his papasan swing and looking big and cute!

1 Welcome Comments:

Anonymous said...

Wow! "Winkin" looks like he is growing like a weed.Grandma H.