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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Smiley Face

I know, I know, I know... it's been a long time since I posted pictures of Stinkerbell.
What's wrong with me? I used to be so good about taking pictures nearly every night and posting them dutifully within the same week. What happened?
Here is my offering for a quick fix of Elaina sightings.

These pics were taken just before bedtime tonight while Elaina was enjoying a snack ( since she ate zero for dinner) and talking to her dad.
Knowing Eric had a little sit-down-time until Elaina finished her food, I ran upstairs to grab Elaina's crib aquarium/ music box for Eric to put new batteries into. Once her prized possession was functioning up to par, Daddy helped Elaina to identify each of the sounds he selected. I must be a complete idiot or I never really paid attention, but this little aquarium of hers plays sounds of the ocean, a running river along with several other little diddies. Hmmm... I was really growing quite bored with the same tunes night after night. Lucky day!
The funnier part about this is that Elaina loves to turn her aquarium music box on just before falling into a good sleep. The last time Daddy changed the batteries, I explained to Elaina that Daddy fixed it. Ever since that time, every. single. night. before bed, Elaina presses the button happily proclaiming, "Daddy! Fixd -dit!" All of this time and a whole new round of 4 - D batteries later, Elaina is even more impressed that Daddy fixd-dit and has been smiles ever since. (At least up until her familiar tunes lulled her to sleep.) Talk about easy to please!

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