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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Birthday help

On Sunday, we celebrated Eric's grandmother's 90th birthday by surprising her with a party. This was the primary reason we made a second weekend trip (in a row) to be out of town. Seeing the reaction on her face and just knowing how much she enjoyed having all of her family there, showing how much we all care for her, made our trip so worthwhile.

Lucky for her that she had so much help when it came time to blow out her candles. Check out who is front and center just waiting for her piece. Why, it's Picky Pickerson, the cake eater!
The kids had so much fun and were actually on pretty good behavior which totally eases my stress level and lets me enjoy the occasion too. This just proves that the day will eventually come when all of our plans don't have to revolve around our kids' napping schedule. What a happy, little world that will be.

Almost all of Eric's immediate family (dad's side) for a four generation picture.
Happy 90th birthday Grandma W!

1 Welcome Comments:

Kelsey said...

It looks like a great weekend, I'm glad you were able to make the trip.