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Sunday, December 14, 2008

let's get to it! PIF style!

Let's talk.*

*My husband always cringes when I approach him with those words.* *And that's why it's just fun for me to say sometimes.* (evil: "heeheehee")

So I haven't mentioned what a what a big winner I've turned out to be on a couple of fabulous Pay-It-Forward contests now have I?
Not until now, I'm ready to spill!
I WON! I WON! TWICE! even!
The reason I haven't made mention of it sooner is because I knew I wanted to save something this huge for just the right timing AND I had to be ready to come up with something even close to as beautiful, fabulous and lovely as the awesome loot that I received. Get it? Paying it forward!!! And now, it's my turn.

Since my original plan was to host my first Pay It Forward contest for my birthday, (and that came and went) I am still going to plan on the PIF prize package to include loads of little goodies that I personally like and therefore you should like too. Heh, okay, I can't afford to send you a heated mattress pad or my GPS because I would literally be lost without them! But! I will be sending the randomly selected winner a healthy amount of goodies, some edible, some not, of things that put a smile on my face and make my day happier. (Children not included.)

The rules are pretty simple. And I'm all about simple here at the hectic holidays. On second thought, they really shouldn't be considered "rules" after all because they are more or less "suggestions" of how this whole contest goes down.

Suggestion #1: Since my original plan was to give you presents on my birthday, I am asking you to leave me a comment telling me about your most favorite birthday present or birthday memory ever and who it came from. Be detailed, I like to pry, I mean read.

Suggestion #2: Comments must be received by midnight (Eastern time) on Friday, December 19, 2008. I'll see how quickly I can scurry to the post office and cause your postal carrier even more work this season that you may receive your goodies by Christmas. Just be sure to link me to your blog or provide a valid e-mail address for me to contact you if you win.

Suggestion #3: Once you receive your package, it's up to you to Pay it Forward in some way or another. If you don't have a blog, no problem! I'm certain that you have loads of real-life friends who would love to be on the receiving end of a kind deed or small gift or favor. Won't you be popular? Just remind them that what comes around, goes around. Enough said.

Easy peasy! Isn't this so much fun? Just in case you're new here or have just never commented, isn't this a fun way to break the ice? Letting me give you free stuff! What's not to love? Start thinking about those birthday memories!

And while you're doing that, let me share with you the great, motherload of goodies that I received from Kelsey which started this whole thing! ShaZAM, that Lady was good to me! And my kids!
*** Remember how I mentioned I won two contests? Oh Yeah... my next PIF is will be shiny!

3 Welcome Comments:

Tracy said...

Oh sounds so yummy. I;ll start the commenting off.
My favorite memory is probably when I was 16. My parents got a hotel room for me (bday is Jan8 so no pool parties for me). The cool part was all the hotels are booked in town that weekend for a big conference. So my parents took me and 3 friends to a different town. It was great. We had the pool to ourselves. All the junk food we could want (of course my step mom stayed) It was super fun. A cool little summer wonderland in te middle of the cold of the midwest.

HollyLynne said...

That is a great package! I know whats coming next. . . ;)

Kelsey said...

I'm so glad you liked the package Laura - it was really fun to do that for you.

I should have linked to your contest from my blog, but I am not so organized these days. . . sorry! At least there was no stress choosing a winner. :-)