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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Since the ice storm in the western half of Ohio affected our travel plans, we enjoyed one more night in our own beds before embarking on our five day tour of Christmas Chaos 2008.

We arrived at Eric's parents' house before noon and while the kids napped peacefully at Grandma and Grandpa W's, Eric and I squeezed in a quick date to the mall sans kids for some last minute shopping. A little free time with my best husband was great, but I also found the perfect pair of winter boots that I've been longing for. And on sale! Woot!

Shortly after our return to the homestead, the Christmas party began to roll in. Eric's family gathered together for dinner and as the extended family began to go about their merry way with their bellies full, the adults finally conceded to the begging children to allow them to open gifts.

My little Lincoln was not amongst the begging children this year. In fact, we couldn't even keep in the same room long enough for him to open his own gifts. Lucky for him, he has a big sister who was more than willing to lend a hand in the unwrapping and then track him down to show him what great gifts he received.
Elaina with her boy cousins on the W. side. One of Santa's elves got left at their house by accident.

Although this wasn't Lincoln's gift, he enjoyed taking it for a test drive.
After all of that gift opening, Elaina and her cousin Raina kick back on Lincoln's 5' teddy bear from Grandma and Grandpa W. Elaina had to catch up on texting to her peeps.
Christmas the First was great! The food was plentiful, the family was together and memories were made. We were fortunate enough to end our evening by seeing a special report on the evening news that was tracking Santa's sleigh in our state which was enough to send one young, non-sleeping child scampering off to bed without another word. A perfect end to a perfect day!

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