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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Can you hear me now ?

Tonight we went to dinner with Eric's teammates from his bowling league to a local family restaurant. The best part about tonight's dinner was that Elaina was able to join us and have her part entertaining the whole crowd. Our friends, whose son is a month younger than Elaina, was also part of the party. Tanner is his name and he has lots to say. Loudly.

After dinner, we all sat around the table and we pulled Elaina out of her seat to visit with everyone. Tanner's dad held him next to Elaina and he began to yell in her direction. Elaina harmonized with a synchronized yell and they challenged each other to see who could hold out their bellow the longest. Very soon, pretty much everyone at the table realized that they were having to talk above the holler of the babies and focused their attention on our two screech monkeys. As I glanced around to the other tables nearby, I discovered that we were getting smiles and stares from the other patrons as they pointed in our directions. I have to admit that this could be annoying to some, but because they were so cute, our fellow diners were able to laugh it off. We allowed them only about 5 minutes of competing until we attempted to quiet them. Tanner vied for Elaina's attention by continuing his holler (only louder) and Elaina turned her head to another friendly face of our friend waiting to hold her.

Only 5 minutes into the drive home, both kids were knocked out. Yellin' takes a lot out of those babies !

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