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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Parenting: 101

Live and learn ! Being a parent means exactly that - only in fast forward !

I thought that Eric and I were both pretty proficient in our parenting skills. That is until last night. I began having my doubts.

At dinnertime, Eric filled Elaina's sippy cup nearly full with 1/2 juice and 1/2 water. She sat happily in her highchair and worked on her sippy cup and some fruit puffs as I was getting dinner ready. Upon a closer look, I realized that she had downed the entire cup of juice within only a 5 minute period. Unless she is part camel - that's pretty out of the ordinary.

"Downed it" was right ... right down the front of her dress and nearly puddled into her highchair seat ! Apparently, her sippy had a drippy. The rubbery nipple wasn't fitted on properly and she was covered in sweet smelling pear juice !

Impromptu bathtime : 6:15 pm !

As for my mommy skills, I allowed Elaina to stay up past her regular bedtime because we were happily playing a game of peek-a-boo and she had a catnap only a few hours earlier. She was crawling around her room, reading her books and every bit content. Within only minutes, she turned into a little yelling machine ! Just that fast - she was done playing and done being pleasant. Mommy lesson : Put the baby's jammies on first and then play. Little yelly-pants was not in the mood for a new diaper and she was certainly not in the mood to be stripped of her clothes for her pajamas.

These are lessons you don't dare forget !

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