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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Special Invitation

Our life has gone through so many unbelievable changes over the past couple of years. Last year, while spending all of our days in nights in the hospital with Ava, we developed a special friendship with many of the nurses who fell in love with our sweet girl. One of Ava's greatest admirers was Nurse Becky. Becky was made to be an intensive care nurse. She has an overwhelming love for her babies she cares for and makes a point to develop a relationship with the parents too. She made our time spent in the NICU more comforatable as she cared for our baby and made us feel like human beings again as we swapped stories and shared our lives.

Since our time there, we have kept in touch with each other and she invited Elaina and myself to her house for a baby party / luncheon today. She has already met Elaina and knows that Ava had a hand in sending us such a special angel to share our lives. Becky also invited two other moms and babies from the NICU and her grandson and his mother. She prepared a fabulous lunch for us and we spent the day talking and playing on the floor with our beautiful babies. It's rare that I am able to share stories with any parent who has been through similar circumstances with a child in the NICU for any length of time. It was great to hear how their beautiful girls have grown and developed and are doing so well.

Regardless of the circumstances and trials we have endured with our children and whatever their future hold, each one of us recognizes that you never get to take a day for granted and that these babies are our whole world. You just love and squeeze them and hold them tight and pray that they always have the happiness that each of them deserves.

* Baby Lilly and her mom left before we were able to include them in our picture.

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