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Monday, April 09, 2007

Ain't Nothin' Wrong About Holidays!

Top 10 Great Reasons to Love Holidays!

1. Family
2. Food
3. Never knowing what you'll be going home with, but unless it's flu season, it's always going to be something good!
4. Fridge full of leftovers
5. Filling up all of your camera's memory space with sweet photos
6. 50% off holiday merchandise the following day! (I'll never miss that $35 I spent today!)
7. Seeing magic and wonderment in the eyes of my child
8. Creating memories
9. Starting traditions
10. Too little sleep, too much laundry and too much housework to tend to when company leaves because it was all worth the time spent together having fun!

1 Welcome Comments:

Anonymous said...

Darling Daughter, You are officially an adult when the family comes to your house for a holiday. Love, Mom