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Monday, April 16, 2007

Tell It Like It Is

Ahh... the fantastic age of toddler hood; just enough evidence of a baby within this independent, little being, yet growing by leaps and bounds at the very same time. Such is the case with Little Miss Elaina anyhow.

Here are some random funny things that are just too cute not to share.

Over the weekend, Elaina became an instant stand-up comic. When she had our attention, she knocked on the bathroom door in the hotel room and says the following, "Knock-knock. Who is it? Me!" Too funny! I just adore the fact that she recognizes humor (toddler humor, that is) and holds her hands up to her face, giggling, while delivering the punch line to her joke!

On our way to pick up Keegan from the kennel, Elaina had requested that her baby doll be able to join us for the trip. In making conversation with her, I brought to Elaina's attention that her baby doll that she received from G&GW for her birthday, had never gotten an official name. Upon asking Elaina what she thought we should call "Baby" she quickly suggested, "Granma Cakes." Laughing, I wondered if that name would actually stick and that Granma Cakes would have to be introduced to the family as such. The story behind Granma Cakes is when my parents were visiting over Easter weekend, my mom had brought along some rice cakes in order to insure some low-cal snacks while at my junk-food haven. Upon leaving, she forgot to take them with her and offered them for us. When I introduced a rice cake to Elaina for the first time, I explained that these were "Grandma's very special rice cakes just for her to eat." From that, Elaina condensed it to "Granma Cakes." Apparently rice cakes and baby dolls are much of the same thing to her.

Last but not least, when we arrived home from our trip to PA, I was getting Elaina ready for her bath and asked if she would sit on the potty. (We have a little potty chair and a Sesame Street potty seat on the "big potty." Elaina always gets to choose.) Immediately, the Sesame Street seat with Big Bird and Elmo caught her eye and she yelled out "Dis one! Dis one!" My darling child ran over to the big potty and gave Big Bird a kiss on the vinyl covered ring which has embraced her tiny-hiney many a time. Kissed the potty seat for God's sake! Goofball!

This is an incredible, amazing age and we're loving every minute of her! She just keeps on getting better and better and the smiles on our faces are never ending!

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