This evening we joined some close friends of ours and their family for dinner. Mind you, this isn't just any group of friends, it's 3 generations of a family who Eric practically grew up with.
(Doesn't it look like Lincoln is reading the menu over Jenni's shoulder? )
In high school, Eric's best friend was Trent. Trent and his whole family pretty much accepted Eric as a part of their family all throughout high school and still continues to today. Trent has since had a family of his own and is living in North Carolina. His older brother Troy and his wife Jenni however, live less than an hour from us.
Troy (and Trent's) parents were in town this weekend and were kind enough to extend an invitation to dinner with them. Talk about a fun group! Troy's parents, Jake and Suze made me feel like a part of their family since the day I met them. It's always a guarantee for a good time when we are with all of them and not ever a dull or quiet moment.
The additional pieces to this family tree that make them so special to us is that Troy and Jenni have adopted their two children also. Tyler and Olivia are biological siblings and are their Custom Made Miracles and awesome, gorgeous kids to boot! I'll never forget the very first time that their kids met Elaina. They were so excited to know that she was adopted by us and they were able to see another example of how a family was made for one another as part of God's plan. In a way, I feel just as important to them because they can see the way our love pours out onto our kids and realize that although they didn't become a part of their family from birth, but this is the mom and dad that God intended for them all along. They can see that it's the same kind of pure, true love that their mom and dad have for them. 

Awhile back, I asked Tyler and Olivia if they would be willing to be Elaina's special friends as she grows up and asked them if they could talk to her if she ever has questions about adoption. They were both all smiles and happily agreed as if they could feel the special bond already growing with Elaina. They already know what an important role they will have in her life and now Lincoln's too and are excited to have another Custom Made friend.

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