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Saturday, September 22, 2007

What's dinner without some dancing?

So how does our family kick back to relax after a great evening out with friends and a delicious dinner? All four of us flopping around on Mommy and Daddy's bed, of course. This is Lincoln's absolute favorite position. He's a "hanger." He and we both discovered this favorite flop of his when he was only a few weeks old. I would try to cradle him in my arms and he would kick and shove to push the back of his head just over the bend of my arm. And hang. Weirdo. Here, his big Sis tries to see if the "hang" is really all it's cracked up to be.
And just how about some fine, country pickin's of oldies but goodies brought to you by Daddy and the Hillbilly Network. Welcome to the hoedown and the makings of a very dizzy darling girl!

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