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Monday, September 18, 2006

Bad Mom Day

Most often I feel that I am fairly capable of scheduling and organizing my days fairly well. Somehow, I try and make everything on my need-to-do-list and want-to-do-list fit into the short amount of time I have after my work day. Today, was a different story.

It seems as though I had scheduled two doctor appointments for myself right in a row. I had to leave work early to make the first one and, 90 minutes later, I was finally out their door, on my way to the next appointment. Oh yeah, and I have to mention that there is 30 minutes drive time between the two. So, I get to my next appointment, surprisingly on time, and end up finishing my string of appointments at 7pm. Because the grocery store is across the street and I try multi-task as much as possible, I headed for Round 3 of my evening agenda. With my list in hand, I chased my cart through the store at top speed. After a fair amount of success in the grocery store, I had to fill my gas tank and finally head home.

I have to tell you that I hate wrapping up my evening at 8:00 which happens to be Elaina's bedtime. Once I got in the door, Elaina had wrangled herself from her daddy's lap to greet me with a hug and let me kiss all over her ! Needless to say, Elaina got her second wind and her bedtime was pushed back considerably ! I was able to spend some time with my favorite girl and was able to put her to bed afterall. This is the best ending to everyday - lots of hugs and cuddle time !

Editor's note : I'm only seeing my doctor's for routine appointments. No reason to worry. No cause for concern. Tomorrow night is our dentist appointment !!

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