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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Weekend Reality

It's Sunday night. It's almost midnight. We had a long weekend with few plans, 2 sick kids, some sadness, some remembrance and some fun all rolled into what we called Saturday and Sunday.

On Saturday, Eric, myself and the kids got out and joined in a "Walk of Remembrance" in the 3rd annual God's Tiny Angels Walk-A-Thon. There is so much I would like to say about it and reflect on what meaning this walk has to me and my family, but with 45 minutes before midnight and lunch to pack and a second load of laundry to chase through, rushing to recap this event in a nutshell would be an injustice.

Trust me when I tell you that I may slow your computer to a snail pace when you try to download all of the pictures I'm about to post and make sure you pull up a comfy chair. I've got alot.

And about my sick children... I guess that I was a little too optimistic the whole time I endured my battle with laryngitis and a runny nose and really thought I wasn't contagious since everyone around me was fine. Fast forward 2 weeks; unbelievably, I still have some raspy -1-900- operator tone left in my voice and a cough to make sure that I'm really not fully recovered. (Yet, I'm still on antibiotics.) So, what should be the tail end of my sickness, Lincoln develops a high pitched cough that sounds far from healthy. I make Eric take him to the doctor who reports that Lincoln has an ear infection. Antibiotics for him too, although I'm jealous because he gets the yummy bubble-gum pink which is sure to leave it's fluorescent stain upon any fabric that comes within air contact. Lincoln still makes the doctor and the nurses swoon as they report that he has most recently weighed in at 18.11 pounds! Holy Smokes Alive Lincoln! You're big!

Here we have one on the mend. And then... Elaina comes down with a runny nose. And then the fever. Lincoln (Thank God) only had a cough unaccompanied by fever. She has had a little bit of a cough for about 3 days now, but overall she's been fine. Today however, Elaina was plain old-fashioned B A D. She didn't feel good, she didn't want to eat, she had the chills, her belly hurt from not eating, you name it. Girlfriend had every symptom of everything tonight. And, ironically, our day started off very pleasant.

At this point, I've had a long day. I'm headed for a 7 hour rendezvous with my favorite set of flannel sheets and pillow. Eric's already been there for about an hour now and would assume that I'll be lying against him when he wakes up. Better go! Nighty Night!

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