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Friday, November 10, 2006

Construction Destruction

So ? What ? Wasn't our three car garage big enough ? Do we really just make up projects to do because we have too much free time on our hands and too much money in the bank ? Make that a answer a quick " NO !"

This is the project Eric has been working on the majority of the week. He has hired a carpenter team of two and himself to build on an additional 12' onto two bays of our garage in order to accomodate the length of both of our vehicles. My truck barely fit in and his truck never stood a chance. Oh, and don't think we could buy smaller vehicles - oh no, we make our garages bigger ! It's a man thing, what can I say. I'm just excited to finally have my truck in the garage and not worry about scraping ice and snow each morning ! I'll be so spoiled ! I won't know how to act without first starting my day with popsicle fingers that begin to thaw by lunchtime.

Truly, this is one of Eric's projects that he has been looking forward to having completed for some time now. He'll be able to finish off his workshop in the upstairs loft of the garage and make it into his very own little clubhouse. I mean workshop. All I can think of is this space used as his own little oasis, his haven like in the Little Rascals with a crooked sign out front that reads, "No Girlz Allowed."

I'll keep you posted on the progress !

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