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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Bad trick; Good Treat

Here she is ... our little Stinkbug. I mean, Ladybug !

So, Elaina's record stands at "0" to "2" for successful Halloween fun. Well, I'm not really sure how much fun a kid can have for trick or treat under the age of 2. But anything has to be more fun than being sick. Elaina was sick last year over Halloween and this year too ! Eric was out of town last year and I wasn't exactly able to pose our then, almost 6 month-old sick frog to even snap a quick picture. We kept saying we would dress her up again for a photo and time seemed to get away from us. We should get a parents' slap on the wrist for that error. I still am kicking myself for missing what could have been such a cute photo.

Tonight, our town held trick-or-treat from 6-7:00 in the rain ! Who would have guessed ? We hadn't really planned on taking Elaina out other than possibly stopping at her babysitter's house and maybe to see a couple of friends. So, staying in suited us just fine. Being on a rather busy street, we usually get tons of kids and always run out of candy. This year, we were surprised to get as many soggy-costumed-treaters as we did. Elaina was so excited that all of those people came to see her at her house. What else would they have come for ?

She got plenty of compliments on her ladybug costume and she loved to see herself dressed up. When we ran out of treaters, I carried Elaina outside and we looked up and down the sidewalk for people coming our way. When we spotted some coming, we rushed inside and loaded our hands full of candy to hand out. She was so eager to see who was going to show up next. I was glad that she wasn't at all afraid and really didn't take an interest in the candy. She did great despite being on day three of her cold.

Looking ahead, our plan for next year, beginning on October 28, 2007, is to load Elaina with vitamin C, keep her in a bubble, make sure she gets lots of rest and keep her healthy !! 2007 is going to be her year ! She's got three years of candy to collect !

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