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Friday, June 16, 2006


Today marks the day of anniversary I never want to forget. One year ago today, I received the phone call letting us know that we were about to become the proud parents of the sweetest little angel ever made !

On June 16, 2005, all of our anxiety, nerves, stress and broken hearts were instantly relieved. We had HAPPINESS ! Up until that point, Happiness and The White's weren't exactly mixing. It's funny to think that there were so many things that could have gone wrong with this adoption (any adoption) - but there was barely a time that either of us felt threatened that it wouldn't happen. That's all from God - it was His plan from the beginning and I have to believe that if this wasn't the way our lives were supposed to move forward - He never would have allowed us false hope to think it would. All I can say is that miracles happen and our names made the list this day !

One year ago .....
I was sitting at my desk. The end of the work day was near and I had barely left my desk for a minute in the past few days as I couldn't miss a single phone call. I anxiously jumped at every ringing phone throughout the office this day. I had been waiting to hear if we had been the chosen couple to adopt a baby girl. Our attorney had advised us that the birthmother was set to make her decision on 2 separate dates. The first date had gone by and we learned that she needed more time. Her decision had been narrowed down to us and one other couple. The next date came and went. It seems as though she and her attorney were unable to reach each other by phone for some reason. So this day was the day that everyone expected to hear the outcome of her decision. At 3:50, our attorney called and the first thing she asked was, " Are you sitting down ?" Yes. " The birthmom has chosen you to be the parents of her child."

I think the tears were immediate. The phone call wasn't long and it didn't have to be. I tried to keep my composure at my desk and tried to phone Eric. We ran into a snag in an otherwise, breathtaking moment - I couldn't reach my husband ! Not on his cell phone, his work cell, or at home ! Three numbers to reach him and nothing !!

After probably two rounds of no- answers I couldn't take it anymore - I ran to tell my best friend at work and we hugged and cried some more together. After some long awaited bragging rights of becoming a new mom and sharing our news, I finally got in touch with the new Dad. Instantly I could detect a difference in Eric's voice. A happy, contentment that a hadn't heard in some time. "That's Great ! " - and that's all I needed to hear from Eric to know that everything was going to be okay. It was going to be great !

Our baby's due date was originally thought to be on June 22, 2005. Our minds raced with excitement that we would soon get to meet our little Princess that we couldn't wait to fall in love with !
It's a sure thing that we were all chosen to be a family - there isn't anyone who could love this baby more !

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