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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Teenage Baby

Elaina's favorite toys are all baby- scaled versions of everything that teenagers and adults rely on. She loves the phone and the remote and obviously, alarm clocks. Stuffed animals ? Who cares ? Not Elaina. Baby toys ? Hmp ... she could take them or leave them, those are for babies !

Anything that can drain a pack of batteries within a week is tops on her list ! She somehow knows the difference between our functioning tv remote and the decoy remote which we have provided to her. Sometimes we'll even hold onto it as we watch tv, giving her the impression that the decoy is the real McCoy. Oh no ... she never falls for that old trick. She'll spy the hidden remote and contort her little self into any hiding spot to obtain the holy grail.

We have the same issues with the phone. Last weekend, she called our friend Ryan. He was so happy to hear that Elaina had personally dialed him. I was just thankful that she didn't re-dial a telemarketer or 9-1-1 !

Poor Elaina ... it's as if she doesn't have any toys.

1 Welcome Comments:

Anonymous said...

As I recall, when Laura was small, her favorite toys were anything in the kitchen cupboards -- especially small things that she could get her hands around. I kept one lower cupboard filled with plastic cups, small boxes and little bottles just so that she could pull them out while I was in the kitchen. Grandma H.